Monday, May 18, 2009

Busy times ahead!

I cant believe its the middle of may already. So much has been going on time seems to fly. I spent Saturday doing my nieces hair and makeup for her senior prom. Then I spent the whole drive home bawling my eyes out. I am sooo proud of her..she is not only drop dead gorgeous on the outside, she is also one of the kindest, smartest and truest people I know. I feel like she is my own daughter. As I was doing her hair all I could think of was when she was the flower girl in my wedding at age 5. She was so cute, she spent all night asking if she could have more "lipdicks" on. Yes she meant lipstick. As soon as I get a pic (of course I forgot my camera) I will post one on here.

In other news I finally broke down and bought a good sewing machine. The one I had been using was just a $60 dollar one from Wal-mart. It worked great but its amazing all the cool little attachments and doodads that come with some of the newer ones. I have 80plus embroidery stitches on the new one....I cant wait to incorporate that into my bags. Speaking of which I have 6 to get done this week. So off I go.......


  1. Gee, that Wal-Mart sewing machine that you sewed my bags on worked great! I just got a new machine, too. Nothing too elaborate but it does sew much better than my old one.

  2. Congratulations on your recent and well deserved purchase!
    Happy sewing!

  3. I can't believe May is almost gone either. Congrats on the machine!
