Monday, March 9, 2009


I just got an award from Terri over at Blooming Ideas and I would like to thank her for it. What a way to great your Monday! I need to nominate 8 other blogs so here goes:

Cheryl at Quilting Memories: I love her recipes, you HAVE to try her Fried Chicken one...yummy!

Sue at Berkshire Cottage: I adore her.....her heart is as big as the ocean! Probably even bigger!

Trisha at Easy to amuse hard to offend: I got the most beautiful collages from her for my boys room. She does amazing work.

Tipper her blog is an amazing history of the applachian mountains and its people...not to mention her husband and children sing like angels!

Lori at Buttons and Lace, this lady cracks me up! I love her wit and humor.

Coach Blogger...a single dad with FOUR daughters...need I say more!

Amy at Mommy and Beyond, she's a fellow bag maker and she makes me laugh
Natalie at Natalie's Sentiments....this girl makes me laugh.....a total diva.....with a stunning daughter.
and there is my 8. I hope you enjoy this group as much as I do.
On the flip side....I am almost done with the quilt. As soon as I get all the pics taken I will post the tutorial on the binding.
And on another note I started running...I am now up to 2 miles on the treadmill. I have entered my first 5k that is at the end of May. I'm excited, I never thought I could run. As a reward my husband bought me a Kathy Van Zeeland bag. I cannot wait to get it. He's so proud of me and it makes me more motivated.


  1. Hey girlie!
    Thanks so much for the shout out and congrats on entering the 5K! I ran one two years ago here in Chicago in memory of a friend lost to breast cancer. It was the best run of my life! Very exhilirating! I plan to run again this year. I just need to kick my butt into getting out to exercise.

    Yay! So happy to see the tutorial. I kept coming back and I didn't see it. So, eager to get started on that. I have a few projects going right now, but hope to try out your tutorial.

  2. Nice to meet you.

  3. well, I just came by to say your bee-utiful bag arrived, and find a nice surprise!

    THANK YOU for the GORGEOUS bag (will post about it soon), and the sweet award.

    Congratulations on both the almost-done quilt AND the 5k aspirations.
    WOW. AND the new bag--what a sweet dh!


  4. Congrats on the award!! And thank you for passing it along to me-makes me feel so good to know you like what I do at the Blind Pig!

  5. Thanks for the award but did you know if you click on me it goes to Cheryl? I'm just tellin' ya because I need all the help... ahem... visits I can muster
    Anyway, take a peek over at my blog and see what's waiting for ya!
