Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sew Love Fabrics

I have found a new fabric shop. It's called Sew Love Fabrics. I just got my first order (of many) in today and I could not be any happier. The fabric is perfect, the price was great and the service fast!

Here's what I got...............
I have 3 crafts shows in November so I'm trying to stock up and start making all the bags and things I'll need. With beautiful fabric like this its hard not to be inspired!


  1. Awww, I used to love new books and their smell. That has been replaced by the love of looking at a neatly folded pile of happily colored fabrics!

    I feel happy just looking at your stash. Now I'm going to go order some for myself!

  2. What beautiful fabrics! I'll have to hop on over and check out that store. Have fun making your creations... looks like a blast!

  3. Such pretty colors. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  4. What great fabrics!!!

    I love them!

    I also wanted to let you know that you can enter to win a free subscription to GRIT magazine right now.. Go to the contests tab on my site.

  5. you are going to have FUN with those fabrics.

    there is a little surprise for you on my blog, from Lola to me to you!

  6. The fabrics are gorgeous!
    Be sure to save some of them for the flower pincushion - in case you didn't get my email....check out Anna Maria Horner's blog for how to get the cute pattern!
    Have fun sewing!
    ~ Jes
