Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Aaaahhhh, Summer

Dont you just love summer? I do! I love having the boys home and getting to hang out and do all kinds of fun stuff. Like.....Pool Parties at my house....

and going to the zoo....
and going to the beach....

and of course, lots and lots of ice cream!

and all the funny faces I miss when they are in school!
What a wonderful summer so far!
ps:listen to the song "He's Alive" on my playlist. Its one of my favorites.


  1. Aw, and to be surrounded by such handsome young men... you lucky girl, you! What a fun summer you guys are having!

  2. Ah summer-it is so nice. And looks like you have been having a great one so far. I love the song too-just makes you want to jump and run.

  3. hey christine,
    It's Cheryl. using dd computer to surf blog land. Mine has been down for a while. That's why I haven't beenb posting on my blog.

    Ah, I love summer; pool parties and spending time with our kiddos and eating ice cream too. Loved the pics.
